The basic objective of the Schengen area is to facilitate movement of citizens amongst the member states and to remove obstacles to free trade by abolishing checks at the common internal borders. Thus, the Schengen system undoubtedly simplifies the lives of the citizens of the European Union and, at the same time, provides a basis for closer judicial and police cooperation in the EU. The Schengen area was created by the Schengen agreement implemented by the Convention implementing Schengen agreement.
The task of the Office for Personal Data Protection in the area of Schengen cooperation is to supervise compliance with the principles of protection of personal data processed particularly through the Schengen Information System, Visa Information System, Customs Information System and Eurodac, and to guarantee the rights of the persons to whom the processed data are related. Furthermore, The Office for Personal Data Protection supervises the processing of personal data by the Europol National Unit.
More information about the Schengen area and cooperation is available in the links below: