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International workshop

On 7 November 2014 the Czech Data Protection Authority hosted international workshop on processing of personal data in relation to detection and investigation of corporate fraud. The workshop partner was the bnt attorneys-at-law s.r.o. company. The workshop participants were representatives from several data protection authorities (Poland, Estonia, FYROM, Montenegro, Albania, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina) as well as from international companies dealing with corporate fraud investigation and also from private companies combating unfair practices on thein own.

The workshop agenda ranged from practical issues related to fight on corporate fraud and its privacy implications (morning session) to whistle blowing (afternoon session) and was followed by a vivid discussion. Finally, the publication on workplace privacy jointly prepared with the Bulgarian, Croatian, and Polish data protection authorities under the Leonardo da Vinci program was presented. Although it seemed initially that opinions of private sector and supervisory authorities representatives are quite distant, during the discussion they approached, since there was full agreement that privacy of investigated must always be taken into account. Appropriate means to this are the ex post information and other procedures resulting from privacy by design.

International workshop, 7. 11. 2014