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Results of the 3rd year (2009)

Competition for children and youth "My privacy! Don’t look, don’t poke about!"

Results of the 3rd year (2009)

We are highly pleased that the third year of a competition for children and young people up to 18 years of age “My privacy! Don’t look, don’t poke about!” became, concerning the amount of received entries, record-breaking. We obtained 337 competition works (essays, poems, drawings, collages, photos, a statue and even one movie contribution) in total.

In fact, it wasn´t easy to choose the only winner in each section, but the jury of experts succeeded in the end:

Winning contributions

The Art section

Children up to 12

Lucie Hellebrandová
Hradec nad Moravicí

Lucie Hellebrandová, Hradec nad Moravicí


Click to enlarge

Children from 13 to 18

Eva Novotná, Markéta Šmídková,
Michaela Mžiková, Barbora Kurečková

Moje soukromí ! Nekoukat, nešťourat - movie

information about the film in the gallery or here

The Literary section

Children up to 12

Barbora Minarčíková

Klukům vstup zakázán

Children from 13 to 18

Truong Luong Manh
Gymnázium a SOŠ Klášterec nad Ohří

Moje soukromí! Nesahat!

Honourable mentions

The Art section (children up to 12)

Kateřina Svobodová
ZŠ Moravské Prusy

Kateřina Svobodová - ZŠ Moravské Prusy


Click to enlarge

The Art section (children from 13 to 18)

Jana Hallová, Adéla Kordulová,
Lucie Habánová
Klasické a španělské gymnázium Brno

Jana Hallová, Adéla Kordulová, Lucie Habánová - Klasické a španělské gymnázium Brno


Click to enlarge

The Literary section (children up to 12)

Anička a Eliška Červenkovy

Moje soukromí

The Literary section (children from 13 to 18)

Kateřina Korčáková

Kdyby deník uměl mluvit…


We thank a lot to all those who took part in our competition. All the contributions can be seen in the following gallery:

Gallery of the contributions



3rd year (2009)

The Office for Personal Data Protection
in partnership with SOS Children’s Villages


the third year of a competition for children and young people up to 18 years of age

„My privacy! Don’t look, don’t poke about!“

On the occasion of “Personal Data Protection Day” on 28 January 2009, we have some questions for you:

What does the term “privacy” mean to you? Is it important for you? Tell us why it is or isn’t. Should we value our privacy? What privacy concerns do you have? What experiences do you have with respect for privacy? What problems do you see with respect for your and others’ privacy? What should be done to improve privacy protection?

Your imagination knows no bounds! So why not express your thoughts on these questions in writing, in a picture or photograph or you can simply send in your comments on passages from a book that’s caught your interest because it deals with privacy issues.

Please send us your entries (stating your name, address and age) by 30 April 2009

to this address:

Office for Personal Data Protection
Press Division
Pplk. Sochora 27
170 00 Prague 7

Mark the envelope with the motto “Privacy”

or electronically to this address:

We will accept files in the following file formats: *.doc, *.docx, *.pdf, *.rtf , *.txt, *.jpg, *.bmp, *.gif, *.tif, *.png, *.tga

There are two competition categories (children up to 12 and from 13 to 18) and these categories are divided into a literary section and an art section (which includes pictures and also photographs, collages and sculptures). The winners in each category and section will be selected by a jury of experts and will be invited to the International Film Festival for Children and Youth in Zlín at the start of June (children under 15 will be accompanied by their parents), where they will be handed their prizes at a presentation ceremony.

One of the competition’s partners is the International Film Festival for Children and Youth (www.zlinfest.cz). True to tradition, the festival will arrange a special train, in which the competition entries from the past two years of the competition will be put on display.

Information about the competition will be updated in the section “Pro mládež” (“For young people”) on the Office’s web site www.uoou.cz.

Submitted entries will not be returned and may be used for the Office’s publication purposes. Please send us a categorical statement if you do not agree with the publication of your entry.

So, get writing, painting, reading and taking photos :o). We’re looking forward to receiving your creations!

Competition partners:

SOS dětské vesničky
Film festival Zlín