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“My privacy! Don’t look, don’t poke about!”

The Office for Personal Data Protection
announces the competition

“My privacy!

Don’t look, don’t poke about!”

For age groups 12-15 years and 16-20 years

On occasion of the "Data Protection Day" on 28 January 2007 we turn to you with several questions:

What do you understand by the term privacy? Is it important for you – why yes, why not? Should we regard the privacy? What do you fear about it? What experience do you have of its respect? What problems do you see with the respect of it in relation to you and to others? What should be improved according to you in its safeguarding?

One of the most famous books where privacy is the central theme is George Orwell's “1984”. Texts dedicated to privacy may be found elsewhere in the literature as well. Readers are often unconscious of that. If you find such a text, we encourage you to depict it either in words or pictorially and send to the competition. You can, of course, also send your genuine texts or images.

The reports shall be sent not later than 20 April 2007 at the address below by post or by e-mail. On the envelope or in the email field „Subject“ inscribe the sign „Competition“ and enclose parental consent with a usage of your report for the use by the Office.

Don’t forget to add your age and address to your contribution for the purpose of addressing those whose creations will be honoured by the jury! Contributions will not be returned!

Winners will be invited to attend the International Film Festival in Zlín for two days (children in category 12-15 years accompanied by their parents), where the prizes will be awarded and their work exhibited. A price besides an object of art will be an advanced communication device.

The winners accompanied by their classmates and class teachers will be invited to a trip to Prague: On this occasion, they will visit the studio of the Czech Radio to see at work some of the “invisible performers“, and will see a privacy of animals during a night visit of the Prague Zoo, and of course, they will be guests at the Office for Personal Data Protection.

Please find detailed information about the competition on the web of the Office for Personal Data Protection at www.uoou.cz in section “Pro mládež“ (“For youth“). There is also located the issue number of Bulletin of the Office which was completely dedicated just to you, the children. Therefore: read, write, and paint. We are looking forward to your work of art!

Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů
Pplk. Sochora 27
170 00 Praha 7
E-mail soutez@uoou.cz 

Competition partners:
